Friday, October 18, 2013

This is how I wanna Go...

These bad boys were inspired by my Aunt Keema. I remember when I was younger she would make all of my cousins and myself, brownies and cookies. But occasionally her and my grandmother, Mam, would get some cinnamon rolls going. My cousins Toddy and Malika would "help" make them but in reality, we were just there to eat the scraps and be first in line for the finished product lol! Anyway, I was sitting in my dorm talking with Brendan and I started to miss home. I was going to go out and buy some cinnamon rolls, but it was late, and I'm much too lazy for that. I got up all the ingredients and threw together some yummy buns. These things are so good, but so bad for you. Definitely a once-in-a-while dessert. What are some sinfully delicious goodies you guys like?

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